
We would like to show our appreciation to the below Sponsors for the 60th Annual Show on 16 June 2024, without their support it would not be possible.


pvshow    pvshow    pvshow    dalybay

pvshow     hit    brownhurley    valleyvet     


pvshow     pvshow    abc    pvshow



4mk    molafos    pvshow    starfm

blackrock    hawk    paddys    stanmore


pvshow    pvshow    sbb    pvshow

sbb    gdl    cqfield    pvshow

pvshow    pvshow    dialledin


pvshow    pvshow    pvshow    pvshow

pvshow    pvshow    pvshow    blueriver

pvshow    pvshow    pvshow    pvshow

pvshow    pvshow    criterion    pvshow

helibiz    pvshow    pvshow    pvshow

incitec    pvshow    pvshow    pvshow

pvshow    pvshow    pvshow    pvshow

pvshow    pvshow    pvshow    brownhurleytrucks

pvshow    jj    coleman    pvshow

pvshow    pvshow    pvshow    pvshow

pvshow    pvshow    pvshow    pvshow

pvshow    pvshow    pvshow

Alan & Thelma Johnston
Andrea & Deon Borg
Anne Gentle
Arthur & Sue Shew
Barry & Janelle Finn
Berzinski Family
Bill & Angela Clifford
Birds & Bits
Caron Kempster
Charles & Margaret Binstead
Charlie & Frances Grech
Charlie Muscat
Chris & Barbara  Perna
Chris Barfield
Chris Peoples
Chris Zarb & Family
Colleen Brown
Comerford Bros. Turrallulla & Exmoor Station             
Connie Muscat
Cordell Steer
Cyril Head
Darcy and Carmel O’Loughlin
Dawn Breadsell
David & Donna Simpson
David George “Ben Mohr” Miaview
David Smith
Dawn Breadsell
Debbie Swan
Delia Granzien
Dennis & Marilyn Thompson
Dianne Hobbs
Doc's Belts
ED & BE Bussey
Elaine Birkett
Eric & Maree Head
Family of the Late Thora Neilsen
Gary Ware
Glenda Grace

Helen McFaul
Ian & Stacie Pullen & Family
Jackie Borg
Jan Lindbergs
Jason Peoples
Jeff & Bernadette Goodale
Jim & Ethel Everett
Jim & Judy Meek & Family
Jim & Veronica Peoples
Jenny Camilleri
Jenny Fordham Bowen Therapist
Joan Vickers
John & Helen Ware
Judy Craig
Judy Davey
Julie Waterson
Karen Blades - Twisted Chips on a Stick
Karen Siddle
Kay & Kerryn Nash
Kellie-Maree Head
Kerin Bourke
Kevin O’Riely & Family
Laurel Bussey
Laurel Morrow
Leigh Stoodley
Leroy & Elizabeth Head & Family
Loris Wall
Lorraine Silman
Louise Matthews
Mackay & District Horticultural Society             
Mackay & District Orchid Society Inc.
Mark & Raelene Rosier
Mavis Head
McColm Family
Melandy Harvesting
Meredith Handley
Michelle Verfurth
Mrs Helen McEwen
Mrs Lillian Parkinson & Family

Mrs Merle Harvison & Family                                              
Norman Drew
P & M Starett
Paton’s Transport
Patricia Finn
Patricia O'Neill
Patricia Punzell
Pearl Cabassi
Phillip & Helen Head
Phyllis Vella
Polly Capello
QCWA Gargett
Ralda Wichmann
Ray & Kay Nash
Rhondell Scott
Richard & Alice Jensen
Rita Neilsen
Ron & Diane Pullen
Sandra Armstrong
Sharon & Joseph Vella
Silvia Bourke
Tanya Parker
Tam & Ian Smith
Teemburra Grazing
The Family of Clevelen Camilleri
The Finn Families
The Ken Omand Family
The Seymour Family
The Turner Family
The Webster Family
Therese Laidlow
Troy & Peta Bourke
Trudi Parkinson
Vicki Comerford & Family
Wood Family
Woolworths Marian
Zotom Aviaries
101 Drew Co Pty Ltd
1300 Epoxy Floor Coating Specialists